Stoneware Buff Clay 12.5kg
General purpose clay, splendidly developed body, based on highly refractory fire clays and grog additives, giving a high resistance to warping and cracking.
It has a very plastic feel and is excellent for throwing, casting and modelling. It fires to a light grey colour.
Firing temperature: 1140-1260°C
Supplied in 12.5kg bags.
Technical Information:
Si02%: 59.27
Ti02%: 1.17
AL203%: 25.90
Fe203%: 1.72
P205%: 0.04
Ca0%: 0.24
Mg0%: 0.68
K20%: 2.26
Na20%: 0.22
Total Contraction 1200°C: 13.40%
Pre Fired Total: 12.60
Thermal Expansion 500°C: 0.258%, 600°C: 0.340%
Texture (1=smooth, 10=Coarse): 5
Fired Colour: Buff
This is not air drying clay.